Aug 29, 2011

Come Get Some Spanish Culture

One of the best types of trips is that of a tour of Spain. You will see that there are many exciting adventures to go on including those that will explore the countryside and nature as wellas the Costa Blanca. You will find all of the information that you need to enjoy these trips right on the web. Of course you should compare them and find the best choice and later determine what you need to book for your tour. What options are there? There are many including these.

Cycling Tours

For those that want to get out into nature, a cycling tour of Spain may be jus the thing. You will be able to enjoy the rural areas as well as the smaller villages and the countryside. You will find that the cycling touring companies provide you with a range of choice in these tours. If you have the ability and the right level of fitness, you can enjoy even mountain biking tour options available here.

You can visit a range of different sites if you use a guided tour. Why not visit historical locations or even enjoy a rural town with its fabulous cuisine or Spanish culture?

Ask for an itinerary that will give you the details of the route before you go. This will provide you with a great idea of what to expect. You should also know what the price of the tour is upfront and the cycle is generally included. Some accommodations can be booked with tours included. Find out if this is an option for you.

Cuisine In Spain: Wine and Food Tours

If you came to Spain to taste its food and wine, then a food and wine tour is the best way to do just that. Look for local wines that are available. You will find that there is a range of different cuisines around the country, too. You may find a tour for a one week or even a two week trip. You can learn more about these from your itinerary or by doing some research on the web. You will find that most of the tours will include your meals and entrance into the wineries that you are scheduled to visit. If you do want this, you should stay at a hotel that offers it or stay in the hotels that are spread across the country.

The Outdoors: Wildlife Tours

If nature is your think, then wildlife tours are the way to enjoy it. There are many different types of wildlife to see and enjoy including bird watching tours. Plants and wildlife make for an exciting tour. Most tours are only for one day, but there are some that span over the course of several days.

Another option is the Pyrenees Mountains in which there are various walking tours available. You can look for and enjoy the wildlife that you see including a range of animals and plants. Depending on the time of the year that you visit, you may find some amazing sights.

Aug 24, 2011

Foods From The Spanish

This article gives an insight into Spanish cooking as well as a sample Spanish recipe. It describes some of the intricacies involved in preparing Spanish dishes.

Have you ever had a glimpse into the rich heritage of Spanish cuisine? If you haven't, then let me introduce you. If you have, read on, I'm sure there's something you can learn.

You see, there is something interesting about the way the Spanish cook. The Spanish pay keen attention and give much elaboration to the preparation of their meals. This is what makes the results as tasty as you will see.

Pop quiz: Do you know the Spanish utilizing eggs considerably more than Americans? They do. The Spanish eat lots of eggs, but almost never boiled as Americans do. How do the Spanish prepare eggs then? Well traditionally, the eggs are scrambled and fried. For these purposes, allow me to introduce the delicious tortilla of potatoes and onions.

The tortilla of potatoes and onions recipe is as follows:

1/2 pound red potatoes--unpeeled, and cooked but still firm, and sliced.

1 medium onion-'sliced.

2 garlic cloveschopped.

3 tablespoons olive oil.

6 eggs.

Freshly-ground black pepper--to taste.

Salt--to taste.

Heat a 10-inch non-stick frying pan and saut?the potatoes, onion and garlic in the oil.

Beat the eggs with a bit of salt and pepper and pour over the vegetables.

Using a wooden spatula, raise the edge of the omelet so the uncooked top can flow under the omelet.

Cook for about 5 minutes on medium heat.

Place a plate over the top of the pan and invert both plate and pan so the omelet comes out upside down.

Slide it back into the hot pan to cook the second side.

Cook for about 2 minutes more.

Comments: In Spain a tortilla is an omelet, turned once in the pan, then served in wedges like a pie.

Any number of fillings can be used once you master the trick of turning the tortilla.

Another popular dish from Spain is known as the "Paella". Basically, you're throwing everything from your fridge that could go together into your frying pan...that's the paella. The base for the paella is usually obtained from boiled chicken legs or wings with added vegetables as desired. Olive oil is known to give a more superb taste. At the end of the process you're free to add fruits into the pan if it pleases you...if you so desire. About a minute before turning off the fire, pour an assorted natural juice or liquer into the pan.

The Spanish deserts, as magnificent as they are, are not acquired without considerable time and whole hearted effort. Most Spanish dishes take a considerable time to complete and the average Spanish meal may require 3 or 4 dishes to serve. If you really have time to spend in the kitchen, and enjoy doing so, you should certainly try your hands at Spanish cooking.

An alternative to taking all the time and trouble to cook like the Spanish is going to a Spanish restaurant and simply eat like the Spanish. A word of caution: You'll have to watch your weight when indulging in Spanish foods since they are addictive and contain high amounts of calories.