Dec 1, 2012

There Is An Authentic Cocido Madrileno Recipe

Ingredients for Cocido Madrileno:
  • 250 gr dried chickpeas
  • 500 gr meat
  • chicken bones
  • 2 chicken breasts
  • 2 small blood sausages "Morcillas"
  • 6 chorizos
  • 1 piece of salt pork belly or streaky bacon
  • 1 ham bone or fresh pig’s foot
  • 1 savoy cabbage
  • 1 onion
  • 3 carrots
  • 6 small potatoes
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • pasta o rice for soups
  1. First of all, the day before you prepare the cocido, soak the dried chickpeas in a large pot of cold water with some salt for 12 hours. Be sure that the water covers the chickpeas entirely, so that they soften.
  2. In a large pot with 13 cups of cold water, put the meat, ham bone, alt pork belly and chicken (both breasts and chicken bones). Bring water to a boil and skim any fat, etc. off the top, add water if necesessary.
  3. Add the drained chickpeas, onion, garlic and salt to taste, simmer 2 or 3 hours.
  4. Chop the cabbage in to eighths. Remove 2 cups of broth from the stew and put into a large stock pot. Place the cabbage in the pot with 2 cups broth and 2 cups water and boil until cabbage is soft.
  5. In the pot where you are cooking the cocido add the chorizos, morcillas and the peeled carrots and potatoes.
  6. Take as much stock from the pot of meat as you need and mix it with equal amount of stock from the cabbage. Bring to a boil. Add pasta/rice to pot and cook until al dente.

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