Dec 30, 2011

Babies Names In Spanish

This page introduces Babies Names In Spanish, explaining about their origins, the use of Saint´s or Name days, plus all about Christian and surnames.At the bottom of the page, you will find links leading to other pages, which give lists of both girls´ and boys´ Spanish names, along with their meanings in English.I hope you find some that appeal to you for there are many really beautiful baby spanish names, several having meanings just as lovely as they sound.
And the babies in Spain look so gorgeous - more often than not, dark-haired and dark-eyed - and it´s easy to tell the difference as the little girls sport pretty earrings in their tiny ears!
Babies Names In Spanish - Christian Names/SurnamesThe Spanish usually have one Christian name and two surnames.The Christian name is sometimes a double-barrelled one - for example the popular girl´s name María José and the equally popular boy´s name Juan Carlos.Unlike many countries, the Spanish possess two surnames.This is because, when a girl marries, she does not give up her surname but keeps it and just adds her husband´s surname.The two surnames are then passed on to the children.
Babies Names In Spanish - Saints/Name DaysAs Spain is a Roman Catholic country, a lot of importance has always been placed on a person´s Saint´s Day or Name Day.In the past, they were more important than birthdays and Babies Names In Spanish often reflect this fact.Saint´s Days or Name Days are celebrated on particular days of the year, mainly because the Church holds a festival for a particular saint of that name.Gifts and cards used to be given to a person on this day, although this practice is gradually decreasing and the birthday becoming the more important celebration.

Dec 26, 2011

Discover Madrid On A Sightseeing Tour Of Madrid

Discover Madrid on a sightseeing tour of Madrid, the optimum way to explore the rich and diverse fabric of the city. Some Madrid attractions are distinctively 'of the city', such as flamenco shows. A flamenco show is sure to enthrall you, as is the range of Madrid nightlife there is to explore. During the day, go shopping in this vibrant city, or embark upon a myriad of other things to do in Madrid, following an open top bus tour which cruises the sights.
A sightseeing tour of Madrid must by necessity include a flamenco show. Top of the list for many of things to do in Madrid, the flamenco gives you a flavour of traditional Spanish culture and tradition. Flamenco has developed over the centuries. Its original form consisted of only a voice accompanied by a rhythm, but now it is recognised primarily as a form of extravagant dance. Flamenco is powerful and passionate, suffused with emotional intensity, a form of dance that will be sure to captivate you.
Take a coach tour of Madrid's greatest sights and landmarks, including the majestic Royal Palace, opulent Royal Theatre and the charmingly tranquil Buen Retiro Park. The Royal Palace, built in the eighteenth century, is decorated by such eminent artists as Velazquez, Goya and Caravaggio and even contains weapons dating back to the thirteenth century.
The lavish Royal Theatre took an astonishing thirty-two years of planning and construction, and was finally opened in 1850. As well as having several recitals and a few ballets a year, the theatre presents approximately seventeen operas a year. It is a truly striking building.
Buen Retiro Park is permeated with a relaxing aura. Covering an immense area, it even includes galleries and statues on the Paseo de las Estatuas. An annual book fair is held in the quaint park. Even street performers are often to be found in the park.
Conclusion: The attractions of Madrid are rife and varied - there are a huge range of things to do in Madrid, from shopping to exploring the key sights on a coach tour, to delving into Madrid nightlife. Discover Madrid on an open top bus tour by day, and perhaps bask in a traditional fiery flamenco show by night.

Dec 22, 2011

Spain Is The World's Second Most-Visited Country

Spain is the world's second most-visited country after France. This is because of the rich natural ecosystems that it has. The weather in this country is also very friendly, making lots of people from cold European countries want to come here to enjoy the warm sun as it has sunnier days than their own countries do.
While is Spain, you will not only have fun on the beautiful beaches and breathtaking mountain ranges, but you will also have a chance to learn a little bit about the country's history through its monuments and museums.
When you are visiting Spain, there are things that you have to do in order to have a real taste of true Spanish culture. Although there are endless places to go and things to see, there are specifics of the country that you can't afford to miss checking out.
Food plays a big role in everybody's life since it sustains life. Tapasare is one of the true Spanish foods that you can't afford to miss eating in Granada. The good thing about eating Tapas in Granada is that they are free. Tapas come with each drink you order and are morsels of food. There is no better thing than this.
You should feel cheated if you have been to Spain and have not had a taste of bullfighting. This sport is part and parcel of Spain, and it is very treasured. You must catch some action in one of the bullfighting rings before leaving this wonderful country.
For art lovers, Spain has great architectural buildings that have been, and still are famous. The splendid works of Antonio Gaudi are exclusive and bold, and are a must-see. The Moorish fortress Alhambra, situated in Granada Hills, is also a sight to behold. It is considered to be the most beautiful fortress and garden in the world, beating some that are much larger than it.
Madrid has essential museums that can't be missed. The museums contain works from famous Spanish artists Salvador Dali, and Pablo Picasso. Art lovers will definitely enjoy these beautiful works.
Spain treasures its traditions, and for this you should catch some Flamenco shows which showcase traditional dance and folk music. Be sure to visit beautiful castles such as the Segovia Aqueduct, and the Fairytale Castle which is 2,000 years old. Those who love beautiful green landscapes should ensure that they visit the magnificent Asturias and Galicia regions of Spain.
Excitement and fun never ends in Spain and you should make the most out of your vacation or holiday. Explore the beautiful country as much as you can and you will have beautiful memories which will linger forever.

Dec 19, 2011

Bullfighting Is Strong Bonds With Spanish Tradition

Bullfighting is strong bonds with Spanish tradition. This arena sport is now a part of the Spain's rich tradition and it has been played in the country since time before beginning. Bullfighting is basically an arena sport and has its roots in European and Latin history. Though this arena sport has faced a lot of criticism but it has fought and the sport continues to be played even today in Spain. Hoards of crowd enjoy while the bullfighting his live.
Bullfighting is essentially a battle of intelligence and strength. Played between a man and a bull, this historic sport has taken the art form. While you are in Spain, you may make it to a bull running arena but before being a part of it you must grab some information so that you understand the sport better.
A match of bullfighting is basically a played between being matador (bullfighter) and the bull. The matador uses a number of maneuvers in order to antagonize the world and make angry. The bull's anger is generally triggered using a red piece of cloth. When this cloth is waved, the bull said to turn irritated and he tends to attack the matador. The matador is also intended to kill the bull in order to win the game but the fact is even the life of matador is at hard risk.
Bullfighting is a part of Spin's tradition but the sport has also travel to Portugal, Latin America, Southern France and certain part of United States as well.
Bullfighting was basically criticized because of the fact that the sport is immensely fatal for the bull. The bull is stabbed a multiple number of times during the fight. Not only is it barbarous but the matador is also attacked several times by the bull during the whole seen. The matador's life is also at risk as the attack of Bull can also be lethal. Because of its gruesomeness, the sport was on the verge of getting banned.
Bullfighting has very strong ties with Spanish culture. According to the Spanish people, bullfighting is representation of finesse and style. Other than this, the sport is also said to represent the courage of the matador.
Bullfighting has faced immense opposition from various countries and also by animal rights group. According to this group, bullfighting is a form of abuse and it should not be continued. The bulls are subjected to face is slow and extremely painful death.

Dec 15, 2011

Seville Really Is A Special City

If you are one of those eager to have a slice of the amazing Spanish culture, visit Seville! The city will make a stunning impression starting with the fantastic Cathedral and finishing with the heavenly Alcazar gardens, so do take into consideration visiting it! Seville really is a special city, one of those that stands on the ''must see'' list and one where you can spend memorable days and very interesting experiences. It shows you the pure Spanish culture that you will love, so don't hesitate!
The Alcazar is Seville's wonder; the Alcazar is one of those monuments in Seville that tell the story of the city, the place from where all the rulers of the city have wielded their power starting with the time when the Romans conquered it. The Alcazar was a stunning palace that had to meet the needs of al-Mu'tadid, the ruler who wanted space for his 800 women and for his creepy gardens planted in the skulls of his dead enemies. The Giralda is a wonderful attraction of Seville, the monument that the Moors tried unsuccessfully to destroy. Now the Giralda is the tower of the famous Christian Cathedral, the same Cathedral that became the symbol of the city displaying a magnificent Gothic architecture dating back to the 15th century. Besides the attractions represented by the historical monuments, Seville has a couple of festivals full of joy, color and good mood: the Semana Santa that takes place every week before Easter, and the famous April Fair where the flamenco dancers create the typical Spanish atmosphere, and the bullfighting shows make your blood run through your veins.
You must visit Seville, that pleasant city that became famous thanks to its women and thanks to the oranges; you can imagine the beauty of the orange groves that surround the city and the picturesque views that they create! Since you are there, try to spend a few hours in the Maria Luisa Park, as it is an elegant and relaxing corner of the city, a place where you can run away from the agitation of the crowds. One other thing that you must do in Seville is to go to the Bar Modesto; it is said that Seville is the place where the delicious tapas were invented, so you have to taste the ones served in Bar Modesto. Have fun!

Dec 12, 2011

Spain Is A Beautiful Country

What would you think about a country that occupies a wonderful place on the list of the most visited places in the world? Naturally, what first comes into your mind is that Spain is a beautiful country. Well, you are not at all mistaken! If you want to visit a very beautiful and at the same time interesting travel destination, all you have to do is to book a flight to a Spanish city or village. The question that next arises is how did Spain achieve this? You just have to visit it in order to understand, but after finding out that it has hundreds of places that deserve your interest and dozens of landscapes that will take your breath away as well as a rich historical, architectural and cultural heritage, the answer seems easier for you, doesn't it?
Spain has a little bit to offer to any type of tourist. For example, if you are a fan of delicate beaches, you just have to choose one of the stunning areas like Segovia, Toledo, Salamanca or Andalusia; the Canary Islands, the Balearic Islands, Benidorm, Valencia or Mallorca are other places that you can choose for a seaside holiday. Those tourists who are mad about finding an interesting destination should choose Barcelona, Madrid, Seville, Granada or Cordoba.
The traditional Spanish cuisine has become famous all over the world for the simple fact that it is absolutely delicious! You will never get hungry in Spain because there are too many dishes that you have to taste, too many tapas recipes and too many fine restaurants that serve them. The Spanish cuisine distinguishes itself from others with its flavors; you will find an interesting mix of different ingredients that come from the many civilizations that ruled over parts of Spain at a certain time or another in the past. You have to explore this cuisine; if you do not, you will not understand the essence of the country. For example, you are not allowed to miss the wonderful Serrano Jamon, a delicious ham that is usually served raw as the slices are very thin.
Spain is a great country to visit! You will feel attracted by its impressive history, by the rich cultural heritage, by its unusual architectural styles, the long list of leisure activities and the relaxed atmosphere that surrounds every small village and every big city. Enjoy!

Dec 8, 2011

Spain Has Amazing Architectural Designs To Behold

Spain has been listed as one of the most popular and preferred places to visit as a holiday destination. That is quite an honor as Spain does indeed have so much to offer that the popular preference is not a surprise.There is little wonder for Spain to be globally preferred as tourists' holiday resort as there are so many cultures, traditions, sights and wonders, art pieces and amazing architectural designs to behold.
There are numerous tourist destinations that have been properly designed and publicized with amazing sights, fare, accommodation and local hospitality that is as warm as the sunshine there. For the obvious offering, the golden sandy beaches, you are spoiled with the choices of Andalusia, Segovia, Salamanca, Canary Islands, Mallorca, Toledoere, Valencia, Catalonia and Benidorm, to name just a few. Many parts of Spain are filled with beautiful sandy beaches for your taking.
Besides the fun in the sun and its sandy shores, visitors also have the choice of checking out exciting destinations like Barcelona, Madrid, Pontevedra, Vigo, Sevilla, Granada and Cordoba. There is so much to see in each of these big cities with its culture and cuisine offerings.
There is no other place than Spain to get an authentic Spanish cuisine. The local fare is not only delicious; it is tempting and affordable. There are plenty of restaurants, bars and cafes for a quick bite or a full meal where you can enjoy your food slowly. You can also pick up various local fares from the surrounding food markets and food vendors spread around the inner cities. Spanish cuisine's uniqueness lies in its freshness, quality, variety, taste and availability.
However, one must be adventurous to check out the various Spanish cuisine offerings. Every dish is distinct and every bite will enhance your knowledge of its local fares. One way to do so is to observe the dishes others are taking; then you will be able to order the same on your next try out.The famous Spanish fare is the Jamon Serrano or the delicious dry-cured local ham. It is a common local produce in Spain that can be found in any local food market. It is usually served in raw thin slices, like the Italian prosciutto. Spain is the originator of Jamon Serrano; hence, the best place to check it out is in Spain.
There are many reasons for one to consider Spain as a second home or a permanent resident; there is the exquisitely rich language, the healthy lifestyle that is practiced here, plenty of diverse activities to occupy you, rich culture and impressive historical architecture. The bullfights, music and dancing will all raise your adrenaline. Spain is one of Europe's best cultural icons.

Dec 5, 2011

Spanish History

As taking courses in spanish is not enough to learn the spanish language by heart, the spanish language school in Valencia regularly offers their students a lot of trips. On these excursions the students have the chance to get to know the spanish culture, as well as the spanish language, better.As there was a lot do this Sunday, the journey already started early in the morning. Before they were going to discover Peñiscola, the students visited Sagunt.
Sagunt lies close to Valencia and is a city full of history. It was already built before Christ and its citizens have long offered opposition against the Romans until they finally felled under their rule. Being told all this by a native spanish speaker in a vividly way while actually standing on the ruins, is even more impressive.In Peñiscola the language students found themselves in the same situation. There a local guide showed them through the castle walls and the basement vault, in which Templar used to live once. There task was to protect the antipope “Papa Luna” who resided in Peñiscola.
In a bar with tapas and sangria just next to the sea, the students finished off their day. This atmosphere made it easier for them to use the spanish knowledge they have just learned the week before. And there will always be a good topic to start off a spanish conversation.This is exactly what the spanish language school Costa de Valencia that is recognized by the Cervantes Institute is intending to do. To learn the spanish language should be as easy and at the same time as efficiently, for the language students, as possible. With up to four different extracurricular activities a day, the spanish language school attracts students from all over the world that want to get to know the spanish culture and language with a lot of fun and at first hand.