Jan 10, 2013

Here Are Five Spanish Songs That Will Help You Learn Some Spanish

Learning Spanish just isn't about learning vocabulary and grammar, it's about exploring different cultures and opening yourself up to new things. Listening to Spanish songs is both very relaxing and a great way to learn Spanish. Here are five Spanish songs, that will help you learn some Spanish. I hope you enjoy them!

Dena Daconte – Tenia Tanto Que Darte

Very catchy song from Spain. The lyrics aren't too challenging and the chorus consists of the verb 'tener' in the imperfect.

Manu Chao – Me Gustas Tu

A favorite with Spanish teachers when teaching 'me gusta.' Another catchy song from Manu Chao and is an easy Spanish song to learn. There's a little French in here as Manu Chao sings in French, Spanish, English, Galician, Arabic and Portuguese.

Juanes – A Dios le Pido

A bit more challenging and uses the subjunctive quite a lot.

Rosario Flores – No Dudaría

A very beautiful song – the imperfect subjunctive and conditional forms are used a lot here.

Fito & Fitipaldis – Me Acordé de ti

Lots of different tenses used here.

Just listening to these different Spanish songs and enjoying them will help your Spanish, but you can take it further by doing the following:

Listen to the song without the lyrics first a few times; try and understand the words used and the general meaning of the song.

Listen to the song with the lyrics and look up any words you don't understand.

Sing along while reading the lyrics.

Try to memorize the lyrics and sing along.

Doing this will help with your pronunciation and also your ability to understand different words and phrases and use them in conversation. It’s also a lot of fun!

Jan 1, 2013

We Need To Know About These Traditional Spanish Christmas Traditions

The Christmas holiday season in Spain is a truly magical affair and is celebrated in ways unique to Spain. Although it doesn't get going until seemingly the last minute, the Spanish throw themselves whole heartedly into the spirit of things and the festivities finally culminate on the 6th of January. There are a few traditional Spanish Christmas traditions you must know.

The true mark of the beginning of Christmas in Spain is the Spanish national lottery draw held on December 22nd. 'El Gordo' or the fat one, is so called because it is the largest national lottery in the world with the total prize fund running into billions and it also has the best odds of winning. The draw takes place throughout the whole morning and the whole nation tunes in to watch the very elaborate drawing of the numbers. The lottery draw is the moment when Christmas comes to Spain, this symbolic tradition has been going for centuries and Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without it.

Once the lottery draw has been made, the festivities really begin, students and children break up for the holidays and lights, decorations and trees suddenly appear overnight. The traditional Christmas decoration for a true Spanish Christmas is the 'belén' or nativity scene. Just like other countries across the world, where Christmas trees take centre stage in town and village squares, each town and village has its own nativity scene. Some of these scenes are breathtakingly beautiful and elaborate and can be visited in town halls and churches across the land. Even personal ones can take over whole rooms in the house and just with the Christmas tree it is a magical family time spent putting it together and adding all the little touches.

In addition to the traditional religious characters and popular local scenes, one special character is paramount to the Spanish belen. He is known as 'el Cagón' and to be polite, he is a figure in a squat position doing a poo! His presence symbolises the fertilisation of the land for the coming year but of course provides much amusement for the children. Although an important and historical figure in the belén, he has been banned from public nativity scenes in many towns by local governments so as not to cause offense.

Families gather together on Christmas Eve for the most important meal of the year called "Noche Buena". It is always held in the evening, in fact many people won't even start eating until after midnight as the old saying goes, "Esta noche es Noche Buena, y no es de dormir" this night is the Good Night, and is not meant for sleeping".

Generally, the celebrations begin early evening when friends and family meet in bars for a drink before returning home for the main event. Like most Christmas meals, the Spanish one involves a lot of preparation, many courses, lots to drink and lasts all night.

Christmas day is a quiet affair and the quietest in the Spanish calendar. People meet up for a walk or a drink and while many continue the celebrations with a meal in a restaurant, most people are still recovering from the evening before. In Catalonia, there is a wonderful Christmas day tradition which goes by the name of "El Tio."

Basically a decorated log or tree trunk is 'fed' with sweets and other goodies during the few days before Christmas and then on the day, children sing the traditional catalan Christmas song and beat El Tio with a stick when he produces sweets and other delights for all the family.

For Spanish children, the best days of the festive season have to be the 5th and 6th of January. While the rest of us are packing away the trees and tired decorations, Spanish children everywhere are preparing for the arrival of the Three Kings.

In Spain it is not Santa who brings the children their presents, but the Three Kings or 'Los Reyes Magos'. On the 5th January, the eve of Epiphany children go to local parades which herald the arrival of the Three Kings. Each village parade consists of decorative floats with a variety of themes and sweets and streamers being thrown into the crowds. At the end of the parade, children get the opportunity to ask the Three Kings for their chosen gift and then leave their shoes out overnight in which their gift will be placed. In many villages though, the parade of the Three Kings culminates in a gathering at the local church or school hall where each child's name is called out and they receive a small gift. The day of the 6th January is a national holiday, much like Christmas Day, when children wake up to presents left by the Three Kings.

The typical dessert of the day is called "Rosca de los Reyes" and is a home baked ring style bread decorated with coloured jellies to symbolise the jewels worn by the three Kings. Inside is hidden a small surprise similar to what we find in Christmas crackers. Anyone lucky enough to find the hidden surprise may be crowned King or Queen for the day!