Jul 18, 2017

Celebrating Spanish Culture Month

Over 50 silver and pottery plates made by late Spanish artist Pablo Picasso are being exhibited at the Millennium Monument of China from July 13 to August 31 to celebrate Spanish Culture Month in China, as well as the National Culture and Art Month.

One of the most creative and influential Western artists, Picasso was famous for creating diverse works in different mediums. In addition to his paintings, he also created a large amount of sculptures, engravings and pottery works during his later years.

Visitors to the exhibit will be able to view 23 silver plates, 20 pottery plates, two ceramic engravings and six ceramic plates featuring Picasso's signature.

The exhibition also includes contemporary art works from young Spanish artists, Gerado, Alex Santafe, Sergio Fernandez, Sabel Jurado Cabanes, Rafael Aguilera Baena and Cristobal Ortega. These artists show off the power of visual art through various means. For example, architect Gerado created a 3D printed artwork that combines drawing and the art of traditional Chinese paper cutting.

The exhibition, held with the support from the Spanish Embassy in Beijing, aims to promote cultural communication between China and Spain.