Sep 18, 2011

Why Learn Spanish? 3 Ways Learning Spanish Can Benefit You!

So why would you want to learn Spanish? There are lots of ways learning Spanish can benefit you - many you may not even know about!
Learning another language - especially one as beautiful and widely spoken as Spanish - can help you get a higher-paying job, communicate better with loved ones, fit into a new culture and even make you money!
Here are 3 of the key benefits you get when you learn to speak Spanish:
#1 Get A Better Job
If you're currently looking for a job, learning a new language sets you apart from all the other job applicants. With businesses becoming more international - many companies are desperate to find people who can converse with their Spanish-speaking clients.
Being able to add "Fluent in Spanish" to your resume makes you appear a lot more valuable as a potential employee.
Plus many companies will even pay you a higher salary if you speak Spanish. You may even get a hiring bonus.
If you're not looking for a job currently, learning a new language can help you protect your current job status. Being bilingual can make you a more valuable asset to your company. If the axe falls, chances are that it won't be on you, but on others who bring less to the table.
#2 Learn To Converse Better With Loved Ones
Maybe one of the reasons you want to learn Spanish is to be able to communicate better with a Spanish-speaking loved one. Maybe your spouse or a newly adopted child. Maybe even a friend or a new business contact.
Being able to speak to these people in their own language opens up the doors of communication and helps you build better relationships. It can even help you build new relationships!

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