Nov 24, 2012

Consider These Factors To Choose Your Spanish Learning Product

From time to time I am asked to review products related to Spain and Spanish tourism. The majority are books about Spain and the rest are educational products mainly geared towards learning Spanish. In this short article I've identified three interesting products which are geared to very different students of Spanish. Before ever recommending any of these Spanish learning products I consider three main factors:

(1) Does This Product Make Any Outrageous Claims?

There are too many products out there that are nothing more than a scam so if I read that you can be "fluent in Spanish in a week" then I'm extremely suspicious. For the majority of people considering these language learning products they want to simply know enough to get by on their visit to Spain, they are not seeking fluency. So I tend to take an interest in products that will provide short term visitors with enough Spanish skills to enable them to learn enough to take part in basic interactions with the locals.

(2) Does This Product Offer An Extended Money Back Guarantee?

Language learning products are very well promoted on their respective websites and their impressive claims are generally backed up by the testimonials of customers. If the products are as good as they say they are then I'd expect them to offer an impressive money back guarantee with no questions asked should a client not be satisfied with the course. So in each of the products I've listed below you'll find a no questions asked money back guarantee of 60 days which enables you to give the product a fair try but still with the option of securing a refund if you aren’t satisfied.

(3) Who Is The Product Created For?

There's no point paying several hundred dollars for a comprehensive Spanish language course if you don't have the time or inclination to dedicate significant hours to it over an extended period. If you're in this category then you'll probably have a go at the first few sections of the course then give up. I'm sure we've all been there at some time or other! What I like to do is identify how deeply do people want to get into these courses. In general I tend to find that most new Spanish learners would be more than happy with enough words to get by on their holidays rather than aspiring to become bilingual.

Below I've listed three quite different products which cater to quite different consumers. Each one is immediately downloadable through the internet, offers an impressive 60 day money back guarantee with no questions asked and is a lot cheaper than traditional language learning methods available at better known companies such as Linguaphone or Rosetta Stone. Take a look at my brief review then click on the individual websites if you want more information.

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